Viktor Mayer-Schönberger

Best known for:
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger is Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at the Oxford University.
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger’s areas of expertise include data privacy; information innovation and governance; memory and forgetting in a digital age, and electronic government, making Viktor a sought after and revered keynote speaker.
Why is Big Data transforming the way we live, work and think? What really is Big Data, beyond the hype? How will Big Data offer new sources of revenue to businesses, and how will organizations change in the Big Data age? These are just a few of the questions Professor Viktor Mayer-Schönberger has talked about in over a hundred speeches since his book, the international bestseller “Big Data” (co-authored with Kenneth Cukier) was published. In his speeches he has looked at Big Data’s role in changing the face of everything from product development and scientific discovery, to human learning and health care, transportation, retail, finance and marketing.
But Big Data is not Professor Mayer-Schönberger’s only area of expertise. The author of the path-breaking book “Delete – The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age”, he has also talked about the role of human remembering when capturing and storing digital memory has gotten so easy and cheap. He has talked about user trust, and information privacy, as well as the need for relevance in the data we keep. More generally, he has spoken about the evolution of the information economy, and how our work and our lives change because of our digital tools and networks.
An internationally acclaimed and sought-after keynote speaker, Professor Mayer-Schönberger has addressed a wide spectrum of audiences, from the high-level corporate board retreat to audiences well in the thousands. Every speech he customizes so that he can speak to his audience, and optimize the impact his remarks have. He uses compelling visuals to underscore his words, to illustrate and emphasize the main points he’s making.
In his speaking engagements, Professor Mayer-Schönberger has worked with well-known Fortune-500 corporate clients such as IBM, SAP, Microsoft, Roche, Haier and Huawei, international and professional organizations such as the ITU, the IAPP, and the AACC, government agencies as well as universities and educational institutions around the world.
He has published ten books, including the international bestseller “Big Data” (HMH, co-authored with Kenneth Cukier, translated into more than 20 languages) and the awards-winning “Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age” with Princeton University Press (also available in multiple languages). He is the author of over a hundred articles and book chapters on the governance of information with his new book Reinventing Capitalism due to be published Feburary 2018.
Topic Areas:
- The role of Big Data
- AI
- Digital Transformation of Organisations and the Economy
- The Digital Age
- Governance of Data
- Data Driven Artificial Intelligence
- Dara Driven Machine Learning
- Future of Capitalism
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