Susie Dent

Best known for:
Susie Dent is best known for being a logophile, television celebrity, language researcher, etymologist and the resident dictionary expert on Channel 4’s Countdown.
Susie Dent is an author, linguist and resident expert in Channel 4’s long-running game show Countdown. Susie is a charming and sharp-witted presenter, host and after dinner speaker.
Susie is a former Editorial Director for Oxford University Press, and spokesperson for the Oxford English Dictionary, Susie is an expert in her field. She has the ability to pinpoint the power or precise language and the value of its use across business and personal contexts, enabling leaders to communicate effortlessly and memorably.
Susie Dent is a writer and broadcaster on language. She has made over 2,000 appearances as the resident word expert on C4’s Countdown and its comedy sister 8 out of 10 Cats does Countdown, she also comments regularly on TV and radio on words in the news.
She weaves entertaining yet educational stories and case studies into her presentations, drawn from a lifetime’s observation of how language has both helped and hindered.
Susie’s keynotes have fun and interactive elements that bring her messages to life for her audience, her sessions enable organisations and management teams to refine their own messages and effectively improve the way they communicate internally and with customers.
Susie also answers notes and queries about words and phrases in a weekly column, Dictionary Corner, for the Radio Times, and is a columnist for the website Mental Floss.
Susie’s warm and delightful approach to what could otherwise be a dry subject, comes from a wealth of experience in both broadcast and print media. She keynote at large events and corporate conferences, gives interviews and expert comment and bylined articles on a number of different communications and marketing topics.
Topic areas
- An unswerving passion for language
- A belief in the power of precise communication to enable powerful influence
- Explorations of effective brand and marketing linguistic strategies
- Language of leaders: How to choose the right words to inspire your team
- Motivating millennials: How to use language to connect with a generation
- What’s your tribe? What the words you use say about you
- Why industry jargon can be a good thing
- How brands can excel by breaking the rules
- You’re fired! The words that will fast-track your exit
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Pam Ayres, Poet and Presenter
Ksenija Oletic, Consult, Ameritest.
Simon Morris, Director Content Marketing, Adobe.