Simon Anholt

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Simon Anholt is best known for his involvement as a government policy advisor and his work on the image and reputation of countries, cities and regions.
Simon Anholt is an independent policy advisor who has worked to help develop and implement strategies for enhanced economic, political and cultural engagement with other countries.
Simon Anholt is the founder of the Good Country, a global project aimed at helping countries work together to tackle global challenges like climate change, migration and terrorism. In late 2018, the Good Country will become a new country in its own right.
He also publishes the Good Country Index, a survey that ranks countries on their contribution to humanity and the planet, and in 2016 launched the Global Vote, which enables anybody in the world to vote in the elections of other countries: so far, more than a half a million people from 130 countries have participated in the Global Vote on the elections and referendums of eighteen different nations.
Professor Anholt has worked as an advisor to the presidents, prime ministers and governments of 55 countries during the last twenty years, helping them to engage more imaginatively and effectively with the international community.
Simon’s TED talk launching the Good Country Index has received over five million views, and his more recent one launching the Global Vote, over one million.
Simon Anholt is the author of five books about countries, cultures and globalisation. He is the founder and Editor Emeritus of a leading academic journal focused on public diplomacy and perceptions of places, and publishes a major global study measuring the international standing of fifty countries and fifty cities.
Topic Areas: Globalization, the Grand Challenges, National Image and Identity, the International System, Climate Change, Migration, Pandemics, Overpopulation, Poverty & Inequality, Economic Crisis, Human Rights, Education, the Future of Humanity, Extremism, Nationalism, International Affairs, Diplomacy, National Leadership.
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