Sharon King

Best known for:
Sharon King is a keynote speaker and mum to three autistic children including Emmy-Award Winning Rosie King.
Sharon King is a keynote speaker who is passionate about opening up a line of communication on the topic of Autism, and giving out the right information in a positive way.
Sharon King is the mother of three children who all have autistic disorders. Sharon speaks about how the condition affects each of them in different ways in the hope of raising awareness.
Sharon is currently working with her daughter Rosie on a joint project called ‘The Sunshine Room’ which is a children’s book and script for a TV series about a special needs resource in a mainstream school setting, and the various characters attendance.
Sharon’s book ‘How Best To Help an Autism Mum’ is currently in production and takes the reader through her journey as an autism mum, providing an insight into the condition, into how we understand and manage our autistic loved one’s behaviour, how to best prepare them for the world at large and how our society can change to adapt to the needs of our autistic brothers and sisters.
Sharon also has self-published two children’s books, The Daily Journal of Arabella Crumblestone and The Unfinished Stories, both fairy tales depicting an autistic hero. Both books gathered national publicity through The One Show and BBC Newsround.
Sharon writes a blog, depicting family life which can be read here.
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