Sally Preston

Best known for:
Sally Preston is the founder of the frozen babyfood company Babylicious and formerly UK Business Woman of the Year.
Sally Preston, entrepreneurial mum of two, has revolutionised the baby food market globally with her award-winning baby food brands Babylicious and Kiddylicious. Sally previously worked at M&S as a food scientist for 11 years and understands the vital role that early food experiences play in a child’s development, and the effect it has on their attitudes to food for life.
Frustrated with the standard of baby food available in the supermarkets when her own children were young, Sally Preston set out to develop baby food which was not only nutritious but also tasted good. She combined this with interesting tastes and textures so that early food experiences for children and parents were positive. To her, it was simply unacceptable that the first foods we feed our babies should taste so terrible that parents would not even taste it; why is this acceptable – it is not! The first foods are essential in setting future attitudes to food in later life. She launched the world’s first frozen baby food brand – Babylicious – an instant hit with mums, but it was operationally difficult for the supermarkets to put freezers in the baby aisles, so she turned her attention to children’s snacking.
Innovation is at the heart of everything she does.
In 2009, Sally launched the first Kiddylicious snacks; the range rapidly grew and diversified into all snacking occasions from first weaning wafers to healthier choices for older toddlers. Kiddylicious snacks are always portion controlled, with honest labelling and taste amazing. Sally loves to challenge the large food brands that move slowly with little regard of the consumer’s needs – e.g., Rusks were very old fashioned and needed to be modernised – the Kiddylicious wafers are mess free, made from gluten free rice with 50% less sugar – over 4 million wafers are eaten even month and rising rapidly.
Kiddylicious is flooded with daily acclaim from parents who have happier, healthier babies who share in positive family eating experiences. They love the brand and are extremely loyal.
In recent months, Sally has turned her attention back to meals for babies.
Sally’s latest enterprise, ‘Little Bistro’ baby meals are set to challenge the baby food industry globally and that can only be a good thing for children everywhere – they deserve better. During the development it also became clear that the current offering of commercially available baby food compromised on not only taste, but in looking at their future; there was too much fruit acid causing dental issues and not enough lumps to encourage chewing and hence speech development.
Sally has achieved something truly amazing; she started her business from her dining room in 2009, and through continuous innovation and a dedicated team-ethos, Kiddylicious is now a global business and the fastest growing brand in the baby food market. Kiddylicious products are sold in every major UK supermarket and in over 26 countries worldwide.
Sally was crowned UK Business Woman of the Year 2018/19.
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Keli Mitchel, Joint Managing Director, Frame Agency