President Ricardo Baretzky

Best known for:
President European Centre for Information Policy & Security ECIPS & CyberPOL Organisation.
Ricardo Baron Baretzky, the first Democratic President of European Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS), led the International Policy and Security Council (IIPSC), the New World Council of ECIPS to the longest global Cyber policy expansion in our history, including the creation of CyberPOL. He is the founder of Baretzky Foundation which focuses on tackling a number of the Worlds' greatest challenges.
Ricardo Baretzky is a co-founder among seven International founders in the establishment of The European Centre for Information Policy and Security ECIPS and CyberPOL The International Cyber Policing International Organizations known as an INGO Utility not-for-profit organisations in public interest governed by Treaty 124.
As CEO of Baretzky & Associates Limited Corporation he leads a global risk investigations and anti-cyber-corruption team. He consults corporates and individual clients in compliance and cyber risks management ranging from policy to international anti-corruption matters.
He also has significant experience in conducting insider threat detections and advising clients in international crime and enforcement matters such as armed conflict to anticorruption regulatory affairs. He recently appeared as expert speaker before members of The Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee Western Hemisphere Crime United Sates on issues of cybercrime and legislation reform needed to combat Anti-Cyber-Corruption, AML and cyber-terror threats.
In addition Baretzky assist clients in developing Cyber Auditing Compliance and risk management programs and routinely conducts risks assessment and due diligence in mitigation of risks for clients. Baretzky often speaks on topics of cybercrime and border compliance.
- International Affairs
- Anti-corruption
- Terrorism
- Compliance and Regulation
- Insider Threats (Cyber)
- Policy and Data
- Humanitarian and Privacy Rights Cyber Law
- White-Collar Crime
- Information Risk Management (IRM)
Ricardo has spoken at USA Congress, the UN, the Key Forum and the Brussels Federal Parliament.
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