Nigel Risner

Best known for:
Nigel has risen to international prominence as an inspirational speaker and peak performance coach. His high energy messages show both companies and individuals exactly how to achieve long term success.
The only motivational speaker in Europe to have been awarded Speaker of the Year from both the Academy for Chief Executives and Vistage.
Nigel Risner’s inter-active and memorable presentations include finding out how to communicate brilliantly using his unique animal model from his best-selling book It’s a Zoo Around Here.
Nigel knows business as well as he knows life and more importantly he knows what it takes to create an IMPACT. Unlike other speakers or consultants, he has the ability to translate – with electrifying effect – that hands on experience into a coherent, compelling and exciting philosophy, which has made him one of Europe’s leading speakers and a powerful professional coach to some of the world’s leading executives.
Nigel will create a presentation specifically designed for your audience. His stimulating and engaging style, powerful message and consistently outstanding professionalism guarantees a “best ever!” presentation every time.
Sample Keynote Topics:
- It’s a zoo around here – the new rules for better communication
- Leadership Skills
- How to create IMPACT for you and your team
- Change is Inevitable – Growth is Optional
- Missing – Presumed Selling
Fee range:
Please Enquire
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