Mike Harris

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Mike Harris is a serial entrepreneur.
Mike Harris is the Executive Chairman of online identity experts Garlik and Chair of Group Innovation at RBS. Prior to this he was founder of internet banks Egg and Firstdirect.
Mike Harris has become world famous for his ability to create billion pound iconic brands. Three in fact; Firstdirect, the world’s first telephone banking operation; Mercury Communications, the UK’s second largest telecommunications operator; and Egg plc, the UK’s first online bank.
Mike Harris is also co-founder and Executive Chairman of online identity experts Garlik, who develop software and services to help control and protect personal information and identity online. Garlik is the only company in the world to have the inventor of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, on its advisory board.
Mike now runs workshops and mentoring programmes for small businesses with high growth potential and for entrepreneurs and innovators with big ideas.
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