Luke Johnson

Best known for:
Luke Johnson is the Chairman of private equity house Risk Capital Partners LLP. He is Chairman and part-owner of Patisserie Holdings, Bread Ltd (the firm behind the Gail’s Artisan Bakery chain.) He is also Chairman and majority owner of Neilson Active H
As a leading figure in private equity and the man behind several instantly-recognisable high street brands, Luke Johnson is one of the few entrepreneurs whose speeches resonate with on-man-band businesses and Sunday Times readers alike.
As a former Chairman of Channel 4 and the Royal Society of Arts, there are few after-dinner speakers to equal Luke Johnson’s credibility and breadth of experience.
Luke has delivered talks in many formats, including after-dinner speeches, lunchtime salons, management off-sites, trade events, board briefings, motivational events and public seminars.
Luke’s speeches are both entertaining and provocative. He speaks passionately about the contribution of entrepreneurialism to the good of society, and the personal value of optimism, determination and self-reliance. Luke is equally comfortable talking to sector-specific audiences, particularly those relating to his own interests i.e. the media, the restaurant trade and private equity.
In October 2013 Luke co-founded and launched the Centre for Entrepreneurs, a non-profit think-tank aiming to address the “…under-representation of entrepreneurs in the public eye” and to “…promote entrepreneurship to government, media, the private sector (including big businesses) and the general public”.
Luke writes a weekly column on business for The Sunday Times. He wrote a weekly essay for The Financial Times from 2007 to 2015 and wrote a weekly column on business matters for The Sunday Telegraph between 1999 and 2006, and is a former columnist for Management Today. The author of several books, his most recent work is “Start It Up: Why Running Your Own Business Is Easier Than You Think“, published by Penguin in autumn 2011.
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