Kate Russell

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Kate Russell is an English technology reporter.
Kate Russell is a technology reporter often seen on the BBC television programme Click.
Journalist, reporter and author, Kate has been writing about technology and the Internet since 1995. She’s been a regular on BBC technology programme Click for over a decade and writes for National Geographic Traveller magazine. She also speaks at conferences and digital strategy and policy meetings, as well as lecturing in schools and universities to inspire the next generation of technologists. Her website, KateRussell.co.uk, has won multiple awards for best technology blog and she has been featured as one of the top 50 most influential women in UK IT by Computer Weekly magazine for the last two years. She also writes sci-fi and fantasy with two published novels now available.
Her debut novel was published in 2014 under official licence of speace trading game, Elite: Dangerous, the childhood passion that inspired her love of technology. As part of the licensing deal she got to name a planet in the latest game release of, Elite: Dangerous. She called it Slough.
Kate also authored “Working the Cloud” delivered a collection of online tips, tricks and resources for small businesses, start-ups and entrepreneurs.
Kate is a prolific speaker, commentator and facilitator on the technology scene, often being invited to speak in schools and at educational events to inspire the next generation of tech enthusiasts.
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Roger Brown, CEO - Perrius
Harriet McKenzie, Head of Events - Policy Exchange