Kate Ancketill

Best known for:
Kate Anketill is best known for her role as a futurologist in technology and retail and is the founder of GDR Creative Intelligence.
Kate is a futurist with a technology, consumer, retail and brand specialization, making complex societal shifts and emerging technologies relatable for any audience.
Kate Anketill is the CEO and founder of GDR Creative Intelligence, she is the innovation partner to around 30 of the world’s largest consumer brands. She worked for Amnesty International for several years in both research and policy writing before she founded GDR.
Kate presents every presentation with research and analysis that has been stress-tested for relevance and impact with multi-national corporations, often at board level. She covers everything from the high street to what can be learned from the Chinese.
She delivers compelling big picture narratives explaining how retail, brands and experiences are changing as a result of economic and social shifts, the technology revolution and the imperative move toward sustainability.
Kate advises on the future of customer experience, how marketing is evolving and how the best of the best are using technology to adapt to new customer behaviours and expectations. She takes a cross-sector, global view of innovation, which includes anywhere there’s interaction between brand and consumer, either online or offline.
Kate publishes the Global Innovations Report every quarter, to which GDR Creative Intelligence conducts customer research followed by a consult on mid-term future scenarios for the next five years. Kate has also been fortunate to be named as one of the top 100 in the Courvoisier Future 500.
She speaks on a variety of different topics with some of her keynote titles being:
- Trends fit for the future: The surprising secret of persistently brilliant retail brands
- Sustainable brands: a practical guide to a future that works for the planet, people and profit
- How AI is changing the world
- How and why Millennials and Gen Z are changing the nature of work, leisure and commerce
- 21st Century Brands – why digitally native brands are so successful, and what legacy brands can learn from them
- How Innovation in Customer Experience is the Heart of Future Growth
- Old retail is dead, long live Chinese New Retail.
Topic Areas:
- Futurism
- Consumer trends
- Artificial intelligence
- New technologies
- Disruptive business models
- Sustainability
- Customer experience
- Retail
- Hospitality
- E-commerce trends
- Marketing & brands
- Digital marketing
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