John Moore

Best known for:
John Moore is the former Starbucks Marketing Executive.
John was instrumental in Starbucks’ growth from a single premises in Seattle to a colossal global brand. He then headed marketing at Whole Foods Market. Given the value of word-of-mouth to any successful brand, John emphasises the need to use social media to engage fully with your customer base.
John Moore’s serious business side is shaped from being a long-time marketing manager with Starbucks and later as director of national marketing with Whole Foods. For many years John operated his own consultancy, the Brand Autopsy Marketing Practice.
Today, John is the Chief of Wahoo for the Brain On Fire tribe. In this role he is responsible for helping grow the Brains on Fire business, ensuring clients achieve their desired growth, and developing learners and leaders within the tribe.
Along the way of work life, John has authored a trio of business books. Tribal Knowledge, a business management book sharing insider lessons from Starbucks glory days. Tough Love, a business book masquerading as a screenplay. The Passion Conversation, a co-authored book showing how businesses can benefit from getting personal with customers.
His Brand Autopsy blog has been sharing hot marketing opinions long before social media became cool. To boot, he travels the world speaking to marketers on a range of topics, including word of mouth marketing strategies and how to build a captivating brand.
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