Joanna Wilde

Best known for:
Joanna Wilde is best known for being a Chartered Psychologist.
Joanna Wilde is a Chartered Psychologist who specialises in the application of psychology within complex work organisations.
Dr Joanna Wilde is a Chartered Psychologist (HCPC registered) & CIPD qualified in Employment Law.
She specializes in the application of psychology to complex work organisations and is skilled in psychological diagnosis of organisational function and dysfunction including the systemic factors around productivity, staff engagement, inclusion and exclusion including discrimination in treatment and pay practices, harassment and bullying, stress and mental ill-health from work. She is also an expert on the psychological determinants of organisational silence, whistle-blowing and retaliation.
Board trained and experienced Strategic Organisation Effectiveness Executive, she has held senior roles in large complex organisations such as British Airways and Hewlett Packard and she continues in private practice as a Chartered Psychologist.
She is recognised and respected by peers as operating with high integrity, accountability and objectivity consistent with the principles of public life. Dr Wilde is a published author in her professional field, with the ‘Social Psychology of Organisations: Toxicity, resilience and intervention in the workplace’ due out next year from Routledge Psychology Press. She is also a regular leader of organisational and occupational psychology Government consultation requests for the British Psychological Society, where she is appointed Chair of Work and Health in recognition of her expertise in this field.
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