Jennifer Pahlka

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Jennifer Pahlka is best known for founding the company Code for America.
Jennifer Pahlka is the founder and executive director of Code for America and is known for her TED talk “Coding a Better Government.”
Jennifer Pahlka is the founder and executive director of Code for America, which works with talented web professionals and cities around the country to promote public service and reboot government. She spent eight years at CMP Media where she led the Game Group, responsible for GDC, Game Developer magazine, and there she also launched the Independent Games Festival and served as executive director of the International Game Developers Association. Recently, she ran the Web 2.0 and Gov 2.0 events for TechWeb and co-chaired the successful Web 2.0 Expo.
She recently served as the US Deputy Chief Technology Officer in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
She is known for her TED talk, Coding a Better Government, and is the recipient of several awards, including the Oxford Internet Institute's Internet and Society Award, MIT’s Kevin Lynch Award, and National Democratic Institute’s Democracy Award.
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