James Brett

Best known for:
As Founder of Plant for Peace, James Brett is an inspiration to the nation with his extraordinary story of how he went from his lowest point to a full recovery.
As Founder of Plant for Peace, James has overseen its strategy since early 2007. James passionate journey determining the Plant for Peace strategy involves farmers, Taliban and Government of Afghanistan. James’ drive and motivation stem from the environment and nature and understanding people and a natural food chain.
James Brett is the Founder of Plant for Peace, a global initiative aimed at bringing sustainable stability to countries crippled by conflict by the creation of horticultural cooperatives. It’s a remarkable initiative currently focused on Afghanistan, where James has singlehandedly persuaded 22,000 farmers to stop growing poppies – the source of much of the world’s heroin and start growing pomegranates instead. The ‘fruits’ of this initiative is a range of innovative products, the first of which – an organic yogurt covered fruit bar – can be found in Waitrose and Holland & Barrett from May 2015.
But if James had never set foot in Afghanistan, had never toured this troubled country without a bodyguard, badge or gun, his achievements would still be mind-boggling, because his life story is truly astonishing.
It’s a story, which involves the early tragic death of his mother, the subsequent decline into drug addiction, homelessness, prison, betrayal, violence and mental illness. Ultimately it’s a breath-taking story of recovery, hope, humility and remarkable vision supported by a cast of farmers, academics, multinational food companies, government officials and military leaders.
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