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Best known for:

Haka is best known for being a fierce display of a tribe’s pride, strength and unity. With their actions including foot stamping, tongue protrusions and rhythmic body slapping to accompany a rather loud chant.


Haka is a spine-tingling symbol and Maori posture dance that involves the entire body encased in vigorous rhythmic movements, which has been made famous all around the world with thanks to the New Zealand national rugby team who perform the most famous haka “Ka Nate” as their pregame ritual. They are also very popular for team building events, energizers, Christmas parties and award nights.


Haka has it’s origins in Maori legend, the sun god Tam-nui-te-ra who named his son Tane-rore. The Maori consider the quivering appearance of the air on hot summer days to be a sign of Tane-rore dancing around with his mother, Hine-raumati, and that his light, rapid movement is to be the foundation of all haka, with the performers’ trembling hands in a particular representation to Tane-rore’s dance.

There are many different types of haka and each one tells their own story. In Maori culture the haka is known as ‘war challenge’ or ‘war cry’ and was traditionally performed by men before departing for war. The aggressive facial expressions were merely meant to scare their opponents, while the cry was to lift their own morale and call on God for help to win.

Traditionally the haka was performed as part of the rituals of encounter when two parties met or when a visitor was welcomed into their community. But in the modern day, haka can be used on occasions such as birthdays, weddings, funerals and other celebratory events, and, since 1972 the performance of the haka has been one of the hallmarks of the widely popular Te Matatini performing arts festival held in New Zealand itself.

Haka is a very important part of New Zealand culture and is highly respected all across the world to this day, due to this, many Maori nationals who live outside of New Zealand tend to have their own little group in which they can keep this spirit alive and share a little experience with other nationals into their delightful, fun and wacky history of the haka.

But don’t fear, non-Maori nationals can learn how to do the haka. The Maoris are a very welcoming culture and love sharing their heritage of the haka with one and all, they encourage visitors to participate and learn the haka. But, the one thing they do ask, is that you respect it, thus because it’s such a big and important part of their lives.

We currently have several different areas of expertise regarding haka that can give you an energizing, exciting new experience within your workplace, conference, Christmas party etc. Whether it be team building or just for a bit of fun, haka is a great experience for everyone.

Topic Areas:

  • Haka
  • Team building
  • Award ceremonies
  • Conference energizers
  • Training workshops
  • 30-60 minute story telling with/without audience interaction
  • Entertainment

Additional Information on Costing for the Haka - the number of performers depends on audience numbers and what's required of the haka in order to provide an accurate fee quotation.

Fee range:

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