Francis Halle

Best known for:
Francis is the co-director of the film, Il Etait une Foret.
A botanist and biologist, Francis is specialised in tree architecture and the ecology of the tropical rainforests. An outstanding professor and researcher, he led the Radeau des Comes scientific missions from 1986 to 2003. He has written several books including "In Praise of Plants", "Advocacy for the Tree" and "The Tropical Condition". Far from a technocratic speech, Francis Hallé knows how to get his audience interested in tree science, floral structures and even the architecture of vascular plants.
A botanist and biologist, Francis Hallé is specialised in tree architecture and the ecology of the tropical rainforests. An outstanding professor and researcher, he led the Radeau des Comes scientific missions from 1986 to 2003. He has written several books including "In Praise of Plants", "Advocacy for the Tree" and "The Tropical Condition".
During his lifetime Francis has seen too many primary forests obliterated. In 2013, he joined director Luc Jacquet to make a film, Il Etait une Forêt, celebrating the ones that are left. In an attempt to bring world attention to the plight of the rainforests he spent 25 years seeking a film-maker who could breathe life into a film in which trees are the stars. Hallé hopes the film can bring the same public attention to forests as Jacques Cousteau did for marine life: "When I was young I saw the first film of Commander Cousteau [The Silent World]. This film had a very big impact on the public in many places in the world. So our aim – Luc and I – is to inform the public but also to try to modify behaviour."
His main concern is for primary tropical forests, the undisturbed jungles that take at least 700 years to re-grow and which now cover a tiny fraction of what they did even half a century ago.
Far from a technocratic speech, Francis Hallé knows how to get his audience interested in tree science, floral structures and even the architecture of vascular plants.
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