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Didier Noirot

Didier Noirot

Best known for:

Didier is a world famous photographer and diver.


Didier’s passion for photography and diving began early. Trained at the Glénans dive center with Jeff Tréhiou, he became an instructor in 1982. He then entered the Club Méditerranée where he taught underwater photography techniques for three years. In November 1986, the real underwater adventure begins, when he joins Jacques Cousteau’s prestigious crew. Hired as photographer, his first expedition takes him to New Zealand, where he discovers the hostile universe of the southern 50th parallel. One expedition ends and another begins: Polynesia, Australia, Papau New Guinea.


Largely inspired by Jacques Cousteau’s underwater odyssey, at age 15 Didier Noirot knew he wanted to join in the future the divers of the prestigious research vessel ‘Calypso'.

He started to dive in 1976 in Ouest of France. At the second dive, he already had a still camera in his hands and took pictures of the sealife in Brittany. As a diving school, he chose the Center of Les Glenans in Southern Finistere where he performed his diving. A few years later, he taught still photography in the different scuba diving centers run by French organisation Club Med which was gave him the opportunity to dive in the Red Sea, the Indian Océan or the Pacific Océan.

In 1986, the dream came true as a favorable answer from Captain Cousteau to a request of becoming a diver on the Calypso came at home. This was for a first expedition in New Zealand. "When are you ready to leave" asked Cousteau and his reply was quick: "Yesterday". Two days later and 16 000 kms away, he finally stepped on board the vessel for a trip that took him around the world and lasted until Cousteau passed away in 1997. During these 12 years, he worked as still photographer the first two years and then became in charge of the underwater cinematography on more than 20 documentaries.

After Captain Cousteau passed the away in 1997, Didier Noirot met, in South Africa, a young and talented producer from the BBC, Mark Brownlow. Mark took him on location as underwater cameraman for "Sensitive Sharks", "Roboshark" and "The Blue Planet Series", all narrated by Sir David Attenborough.

For his work as a cameraman on the Planet Earth series, Didier was awarded a coveted Emmy

At the same time, Didier Noirot has worked on numerous French documentaries like the series about The former Alexandria Light house and other archaeological films.

In 2003, he coproduced with John Jackson a documentary about the sardine run "The Beast of the Natal"In 2004, Didier Noirot has been called by Jacques Perrin to start the project. A few week of test to improve HD filming underwater with Philipp Ros and some other top guns in the industry allowed to start the project in HD and Super 35.


During the last few years, Didier has brought to the project remarkable footage of Whales and Sharks among the sea life he has filmed.

His unmistakable style is to come close to the animals and to film long sequence shots.

Didier believes that very little has been filmed underwater and a huge amount of animal behavior remains to be captured.

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