David Sammel

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David Sammel is an accredited ATP Tour coach and former professional player.
David Sammel has over 30 years’ experience in coaching international players, 17 of whom have represented their countries in the Olympics, Davis Cup and FedCup.
David Sammel has coached numerous GB National Champions and worked at all the major tournaments globally.
Prior to 2002 he coached on the tour before being appointed Head Coach of an LTA National Academy (2002-2006), thereafter founding the Monte Carlo Academy with Jez Green.
He was President of the British Tennis Coaches Association (BTCA, 2009-2012) and his expertise in mental skills has led to numerous speaking engagements, presentations, workshops and consultancy work in several sports, including the LTA, England Rugby, Chelsea, Bolton, Hull and Fulham Football Clubs, UVA basketball, and several academies.
He splits his time between the ATP tour and as Head coach for TeamBath, which is an International Tennis Academy.
His has published several books with Locker Room Power becoming a #1 Bestseller.
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Judy Murray OBE, Scottish Tennis Coach and Author
Neil Bath, Academy Director, Chelsea Football Club
Dan Clark, Director of Sport, Bradfield College