David McCandless

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David McCandless draws beautiful conclusions from complex datasets -- thus revealing unexpected insights into our world.
David McCandless is a British data-journalist, and information designer based in London. He is the founder of the visual blog Information Is Beautiful.
David McCandless is a London-based author, data-journalist and information designer, working across print, advertising, TV and web.
McCandless’s information design work has appeared in over forty publications internationally including The Guardian, Wired and Die Zeit.
In more recent years, McCandless has been exploring the use of data visualisation and infographics to explore new directions for journalism and to discover new stories in the seas of data surrounding us. His blog and book Information is Beautiful is dedicated to visualizing ideas, issues, knowledge and data.
He has had pieces exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Wellcome Trust gallery in London and at the Tate Britain.
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