David Cadman

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David Cadman is an urban land economist, writer, and currently Visiting Professor at a number of Universities in the UK and abroad.
Although David Cadman is by discipline an urban land economist, he has a number of visiting professorial appointments and his recent writing and speaking is about the ways in which we need to change our ways of being to face up to climate change, resource depletion and a fragile financial system. This includes his work on Love.
David Cadman now writes and speaks about the social and economic changes we shall have to make as we face up to climate change and resource depletion. This includes his work on love and compassion in governance and his work with the Spirit of Humanity Forum.
He is a Visiting Professor at University College London and the University of Maryland and a Harmony Professor of Practice at the University of Wales Trinity St. David.
His most recent publications are: “Speeches and Articles 1968-2012”, which is a collection of the speeches and articles of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, published in 2014 by the University of Wales Press, “Love Matters” (2014) and a collection of stories of our time, “Finding Elsewhere” (2015), published by Zig Publishing in 2015. In 2016, Peter Lang published “Why Love Matters: Values in Governance,” which was co-edited by David Cadman.
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