Darren Burns

Best known for:
Director of Diversity and Inclusion for the Timpson Group, as well as being the head of the Timpson Foundation.
Darren speaks on all things Timpson, the unique story behind Timpson's innovative approach to recruitment having worked closely with James Timpson OBE and Sir John Timpson CBE for many years. Service retailer Timpson's presence on the high street is highly regarded and trusted, the company employed not just ex-offenders, but people currently serving time for everything from tax fraud to homicide. Darren's key speaking topics include Timpson's maverick approach to bottoms up leadership to recruitment and looked after children and the Alex Timpson Trust.
Darren Burns is the Director of Diversity and Inclusion for the Timpson Group, as well as being the head of the Timpson Foundation. He specialises in both the recruitment and retention of ex-offenders and others who face barriers to employment. Darren also fosters relationships with many UK prisons and organisations such a police and probation services. He also manages the Timpson prison training academies, and has responsibility for overseeing the transition from custody and into the workplace. He is passionate about diversity and inclusion and also provides consultancy services for forward thinking businesses, as well as helping to educate others on the benefit of employing ex-offenders and other marginalised groups. As a former Police Officer, his experience of working in some of the most challenging parts of the UK enables him to help break the offending cycle and ensure marginalised groups can find employment.
Darren is also currently studying for a Masters in Criminology University of Cambridge.
Key topic areas include:
- Covers history of The Timpson Group
- Company culture
- Recruitment on personal circumstance
- Upside down management
- Timpson Foundation founding, strategy and statistics over the years and ongoing development
- Largest employer of ex-offenders in the UK
- Four strains of recruitment
- Why do it, societal benefits
- Tax payer advantages
- Business reasons
- The Alex Timpson Trust – looked after children – attachment syndrome
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