Dan Saladino

Best known for:
Dan Saladino is best known as a producer / presenter on The Food programme.
Dan Saladino is a producer / presenter on The Food Programme who hones his journalist skills on Radio 4’s investigative series Face the Facts before specialising in food and agriculture stories.
Dan Saladino is a producer / presenter on The Food Programme who honed his journalistic skills on Radio 4s investigative series Face the Facts before specialising in food and agriculture stories just over a decade ago.
Dan is listed in the Progress 1000: The Evening Standard’s Most Influential People in Food and Drink, the Telegraph’s Food Power List and he is the recipient of a James Beard Awards.
He has won multiple awards for the Food Programme, particularly for his work documenting the loss of biodiversity around the world, in which he has travelled through Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas documenting the world’s most endangered foods and the disappearance of traditional and indigenous food systems.
His first book, an epic journey into the history, culture and future of food, being published by Jonathan Cape, has been awarded The Jane Grigson Trust prize for a debut food book.
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