Colin Shaw

Best known for:
Colin Shaw is the CEO of the company Beyond Philosophy.
Colin Shaw is without question a world leader in Customer Experience. Since 2002, Colin has helped shape the whole industry with his four-bestselling books and thought leading work.
In 2002 Colin founded Beyond Philosophy, a global customer experience consultancy. Colin now lives in Sarasota, Florida, USA and remains their CEO. He travels over the globe from their headquarters in Tampa, Florida. Beyond Philosophy specializes in helping organizations to create deliberate, emotionally engaging customer experiences that drive value, reduce costs and build competitive advantage.
Prior to launching Beyond Philosophy, Colin held a number of senior executive positions in Xerox, Mars and British Telecom (BT). He was ultimately appointed Senior Vice President of Customer Experience, where he led a team of 3,500 employees worldwide.
Under Colin’s leadership, Beyond Philosophy has undertaken many Customer Experience initiatives with some of the world’s biggest companies, including American Express, FedEx, Maersk Line, Aflac, Aviva, T-Mobile and IBM. In the case of Maersk Line, Beyond Philosophy helped Maersk Line, increase their Net Promoter score by 40 points in 30 months. Colin has also advised Governments and has been a visitor to the Cabinet Office in No.10 Downing Street on a number of occasions.
A sought-after key note speaker Colin’s interactive presentation style uses thought-provoking questions, humor and real-life anecdotes to engage, entertain and inform his audience. Audaciously Colin calls organizations live from the stage to make a point. Colin is a member of the National Speakers Association, and has presented at countless key note speeches. He has been featured as an expert on CNN, BBC TV, Sky News, BBC Radio. In addition, Colin has been quoted in The Times, Marketing, Marketing Week, Customer Management, and many other publications.
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