Charlotte Smith

Best known for:
Charlotte Smith is best known for presenting Farming Today on Radio 4.
Charlotte Smith is a Radio Presenter with experience as a reporter, producer and presenter.
Charlotte Smith is the presenter of Farming Today. She was born and brought up in the Leicestershire village of Quorn and has been a radio nerd since her teens, when she started volunteering at BBC Radio Leicester.
The BBC trained Charlotte on the Local Radio Reporters Scheme, which gave her lots of experience and very bad shorthand. After stints at BBCs Sussex, Cumbria and Devon Charlotte ended up back at Radio Leicester as a news reporter.
Charlotte then worked as a producer on Radio 4’s The World Tonight, as a reporter and sports presenter on BBC TV’s East Midlands Today, and as a producer and reporter and presenter on Five Live. After reporting for Radio 4’s You and Yours and for daytime TV, a conversation in a lift led to her presenting Farming Today on Radio 4 and Countryfile on BBC One.
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