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Charlie Rose

Charlie Rose

Best known for:

Charlie is best known for being the anchor of his own show, "Charlie Rose".


Charlie Rose is executive editor and anchor of “Charlie Rose,” the nightly one-hour interview program that engages in one-on-one in-depth conversation and roundtable discussions about important issues and ideas of our time. He is co-anchor of the daily morning television program “CBS This Morning” and also a contributing correspondent to the CBS news program “60 Minutes.” Since 1991, Rose has done more in-depth hours with Nobel laureates and extraordinary men and women of science, politics, art, business, sports, technology, literature, and entertainment than any other program in the world. These conversations have made Rose the cultural and intellectual custodian of our time, providing accessible profiles of the people who have influenced our world. Rose is the recipient of the Legion d’honneur, numerous awards from the scientific and journalism communities, and many honorary degrees.


Charlie Rose is executive editor and anchor of Charlie Rose, the nightly one-hour interview program that engages the world's best thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, business leaders, scientists, and other newsmakers in one-on-one, in-depth conversation and round table discussions. He is also a contributing correspondent to the CBS news program 60 Minutes and a co-host on the newly revamped CBS This Morning.

Rose and his guests define the global conversation. The program's round oak table and simple black backdrop provide an intimate atmosphere for intelligent conversation attracting leaders from around the world, including Barack Obama, Gordon Brown, Nicolas Sarkozy, Lula da Silva, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Bashar al-Assad, Pervez Musharraf, Hosni Mubarak, Lee Kuan Yew, and Manmohan Singh. Since 1991, Rose has done more in-depth hours with Nobel laureates and extraordinary men and women of science, politics, art, business, sports, technology, literature, and entertainment than any other program in the world. These conversations have made him the cultural and intellectual custodian of our time, providing accessible profiles of the people who have influenced our world.

Each weeknight Rose creates programs that introduce new people, explore fresh ideas, and illuminate difficult issues. Special series on science, education, and the rise of India have probed even deeper. Dr. Eric Kandel, recipient of the 2000 Nobel Prize in medicine, said, "[Charlie Rose] is not simply a talented interviewer; he has emerged as the major cultural and intellectual historian of recent times and has done so by causing a paradigm shift in how we learn—of how we acquire new knowledge of what is happening in the world around us."

Charlie Rose was born in Henderson, North Carolina, and graduated from Duke University with a BA in history and a JD from the School of Law. He has received numerous journalistic awards and honorary degrees and is a frequent principal interviewer and moderator at global forums around the world.

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