Charlie Luxton

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Charlie Luxton is an architectural designer, writer and television presenter.
Charlie is passionate about the environment and communicating his enthusiasm for sustainable architecture and design. He has combined his design work with writing and presenting television programmes for the last fifteen years and currently fronts Building the Dream for More4.
Charlie Luxton began his broadcasting career presenting Modern British Architects for Channel 5. Since then, he has gone on to present Britain’s Hidden Heritage (BBC 1), Restored to Glory and Rebuilding The Past (BBC 2), Homes and Property (ITV), Supercommuters and World’s Weirdest Homes (Channel 4) and Build A New Life In The Country (Channel 5).
He has also worked across the Atlantic presenting Artland USA and Vertical City.
Charlie is passionate about the environment and communicating his enthusiasm for sustainable architecture and eco-friendly design. Studying at Oxford Brookes University, he achieved a first class honours degree in Architecture before going on to complete an MA at the Royal College of Art in London.
Charlie has worked for a number of architecture practices becoming a founding director of Free State in 2000. Past projects include Zoomorphic, an exhibition for the V&A and Electric Storm, a three month renewable energy event on the South Bank in London. In 2005 he left London and Free State to focus on sustainable housing. As Charlie Luxton Environmental Design he is currently working on several sustainable housing projects in London, Wiltshire, and the Cotswolds, where he now lives with his wife and two children.
Charlie regularly gives lectures, hosts awards and facilitates conferences. His speeches cover a wide range of topics relating to architecture, sustainability and design.
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Ecology Building Society 30th Anniversary Conference 2011
Aircrete Conference
The Future of the Modern City Conference