Charlie Browne

Best known for:
Charlie Browne has had 30 years of success and experience working with sustainability for IKEA and leading the drive that has put IKEA in the forefront of sustainable retailers.
Charlie was IKEA UKs first Sustainability manager in 1998, led the UK sustainability organisation for over 15 years and was an IKEA global sustainability auditing leader.
Charlie Browne has had 30 years of success and experience working with sustainability.
He worked for 24 years in IKEA UK, leading the drive that has put IKEA in the forefront of sustainable retailers.
Charlie was IKEA UKs first Sustainability manager in 1998 and led the UK sustainability organisation for over 15 years and was an IKEA global sustainability auditing leader.
Some of the key achievements on his watch include being the first UK retailer to phase out one use plastic carrier bags (six years before English legislation was introduced),Installation of rapid charge electric vehicle points on all UK sites, large scale installation of solar panels on the UK stores and the planting of over 1.5 million trees with the Woodland Trust as part of an 8 year partnership that still continues.
Known to be a specialist and passionate advocate on sustainable business issues Charlie can give unique insight on how a blue chip company works at a strategic level and how the plans they develop are implemented into frontline store operations, including waste management, energy conservation and resource efficiency.
After a recent successful battle with cancer and a sabbatical, Charlie is currently in a new appointment working for the East of England Ambulance Trust as their Sustainability manager.
He supports other organisations in a consultancy role and is considered an expert in his field.
He has undertaken numerous presentations for all manner of clients and has presented in the House of Commons, party conferences and in Brussels.
Fee range:
Up to 5,000 GBP