Bob Etherington

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Bob Etherington is an author, trainer and business speaker. He is acknowledged as one of the 21st century’s leading authorities on modern face to face selling, negotiating and public speaking.
Bob has been developing his reputation for sales success since the 1970’s in a career that has spanned many key global markets and several recessions. He has sold products and services from Houston to Tokyo and from Norway to Johannesburg. He was also a Main Board Director of Reuters Transactions Services Ltd and since 2001 has run his own training company.
Bob is the owner of his own boutique sales consultancy based in London: Bob Etherington Ltd. Through this international company he lectures and trains business executives in the skills required to persuade customers and colleagues to buy their products, services and ideas. He works in Europe, USA, Middle East and Asia.
His first book published in 2006 was entitled ‘Presentation Skills for Quivering Wrecks’ and is consistently in the top 10 business books listed on Amazon. In 2008 he was elected a Freeman of the City of London.
He now leads strategic sales programmes for all levels of the selling profession and is in demand as an inspiring and charismatic speaker at conferences everywhere.
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