Bernardo Moya

Best known for:
Bernardo Moya is best known as an Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, Publisher, and TV Producer & Seminar Promoter.
Bernardo is the CEO of The Best You, including The Best You Magazine, The Best You Expo Europe, the UK’s largest personal development and self-help event and now The Best You Expo USA.
Bernardo is the CEO of NLP Life Training, the largest Neuro-Linguistic training provider in Europe with the co-creator Dr Richard Bandler. He’s a professional keynote speaker with regular contributions for UK Health Radio.
The Best You Expo is now the largest personal and professional development live exhibition in the world, with three Expo’s already held in London and one in Long Beach California, 25,000 visitors and 500 exhibitors.
As the CEO of NLP Life Training, Bernardo promotes seminars by some of the best-known names in personal development, including lifestyle expert and bestselling author Paul McKenna, and the co-creator of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Dr Richard Bandler for the past 10 years.
The Best You Magazines covers a variety of different topics such as health, wealth, finance, technology and spirit. Bernardo helps people discover the things they didn’t even know were missing from their lives, so they can rise to the next level. The same ethos drives the highly popular The Best You Expo, drawing together internationally renowned speakers and leaders in Personal Development.
The Best You expo embodies the ideas in The Best You Magazine allowing fantastic networking opportunities for exhibitors, and the chance for attendees to meet and interact with the best in the business, with hundreds of exhibitors and speakers.
Bernardo also provides personal mentoring and coaching services to selected clients. With a vast knowledge of how to run a successful business, acquire skills in media, product creation, self motivation, networking and staying on track to reach your goals, his mentoring has a unique approach.
Topic areas
- Thinking
- Mindset
- Empowering Questions
- Seminar Promoting
- Networking
- Personal Development
- Professional Development
Fee range:
5,000-10,000 GBP