Ben Cryan

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Ben Cryan is living proof that life can change in a second, of how a perfect life can be turned upside down.
Ben Cryan achieved the unachievable. After falling from his surfboard onto a coral reef, he overcame all adversity to survive over 30 operations. His incredible story will inspire and motivate all who have the opportunity to hear it.
Growing-up in North Queensland, Ben graduated from the University of Queensland with Honours in Civil Engineering. During his 20s, he did what all young people dream of doing: travelling the world working and surfing
In January 2011, Ben’s life was on the rise. He landed a major engineering contract under his own business, bought his first home near the beach in Port Melbourne and found a great girl. Life in his eyes didn’t get much better.
In the weeks ahead, Ben’s outlook on life changed dramatically. Prior to starting his new role, Ben booked a life-long dream holiday surfing a popular break in Micronesia. On the last wave of the day a devastating surfing accident left him fighting for his life in a small-island hospital.
Over two years, he suffered severe coral blood poisoning, failing organs, emergency evacuations, 32 operations, 2 strokes and a kidney transplant with his mother. After all of that, he faced one of his biggest challenges…learning to settle back into a normal life.
Ben’s story will leave you with a new appreciation on life and will allow you to re-set your life compass. His positive attitude, personality and contagious smile will leave everyone wanting more. There is something in this story for everyone!
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Jaclyn Woodward, Associate Director, Elite Cairns Rentals
Iain Twine, CEO, Edelman South East Asia and Australasia
Chris Nardi, Global Advertising Director, Financial Times