Andreas Ekstrom

Best known for:
Andreas Ekström is a Swedish journalist. His best-selling book about Google and his TED talk, with well over one million views, has made him one of Europe's most sought-after digital futurists.
Andreas Ekström is a senior staff writer at Sydsvenskan, a major Swedish daily paper, and an author of six books.
Andreas Ekström’s passion lies within educating for digital equality. He wants to see a world in which we share the wealth – not only financially, but also in terms of knowledge and power.
Ekström is a columnist and a commentator on all things digital – not focusing on technology, but rather the sociology of technology, behaviour, money, relationships and the power over the progress of society.
During the past few years, Andreas Ekström has been a highly regarded keynote speaker at conferences all over Europe and Asia. He also often serves as a digital thought partner for groups of leaders and boards of directors, trying to make use of ideas and knowledge he has collected over the past decade.
Ekstrom was a TEDx speaker in 2013 and again in 2015; the second talk was picked up for global distribution by TED and is approaching 1.5 million views.
Fee range:
5,000-10,000 GBP