Adrian Gilpin

Best known for:
Adrian Gilpin is the Chairman for the Institute of Human Development - Developing the next generation of leaders & entrepreneurs.
Adrian Gilpin is best known for working with Chief Executives and their Senior Management Teams on their personal leadership qualities, and on finding new and effective ways of leading their organisation through times of unprecedented change and uncertainty. He helps organisations develop and implement a coaching approach to managing and lead their people.
Adrian Gilpin believes that, “There are three key forces of change that leaders understand: Storytelling, Energy and Drive. When these forces are aligned in an individual we witness a transformation in their personal power and impact. When these forces are aligned across an enterprise, dramatic and sustainable change happens. Individuals take responsibility for unleashing their full potential; managers unlock high performance in other; and leaders create an inspired environment where people are able to be at their best. This is not pie‐in‐the sky idealism; it is the entry level for any organisation that wishes to thrive the next decade of change and uncertainty.”
Adrian Gilpin has helped his clients to implement some highly effective and sustainable change programmes. Many organisations recently Deutsche Bank, Prudential Property Investment Managers, Barclaycard and the Commercial Bank of Kuwait have retained Adrian to coach their Managing Directors and senior executives.
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